You are latter-day RobinsonCrusoe. You are stranded on a desert island. It´s been ten days since you got shipwrecked and you start losing hope of being rescued. In order to keep track of time you decide to write a diary.Your diary will be in the format of a blog. In groups of 3 to 4 students. You have to write your impressions of your life on the island, making an account of your daily activities. For such, we will be visiting the school´s cyber room every now and then: once to start the blog (choosing a name, writing an introduction, presenting yourself, giving background information to the creation of the blog); a couple of times to add information to it, and one last time to read your mates´blogs and write comments on them. Pictures are highly welcome. Be creative. You can add ideas but cannot change the factual information in the story.

Turma 82 Grupo 1 A

Once I was well again, I decided to explore the island. I have been here for ten months, I wanted to set free , then I decided to go along the river up.While I went up the river I 've seen lovely grass fields with tobacco growing on the higher land .Further on, the rive became smaller and finally stopped and I came into an area of woodland. There were grapes and melons growing , continuing on you could see a beautiful green area of the island which was full of orange, lemon and lime trees. After three days exploring this area , I returned to my hut carrying  some grapes and limes with me, but   I came there several times. At last I decided to build another home in this beautiful place,so that I could have a country house and a seaside house. I spent several weeks making a little bower , with a strong fence around it, and I hung up lots of grapes to dry in the trees. After the rains I planted rice and corn - I learned to plant just before the rains and also to make bread. One day,while I was walking round the other part of  the island, I saw land. I didn´t know if it was America or not but I knew there were cannibals there.  I also saw a footprint in the sand  by the shore , then I was  afraid  of being discovered and killed by the cannibals, more never I wanted  to get out of the island.