After a while I decided to built a house there too, so I could have a seaside house and a country house.
So after I finished building my bower and collecting my raisings, the rains came. So I spend the next two months in my cave.
After the rains, I was starting to know wich months were rainy and wich were dry, so I got ready for the rains by finding lots of food. Then I could stay inside as much as possible when it was raining.
After a while I decided to go to the other side of the island. There I saw land, and I guessed it was Spanish land, but it could also be the land where the cannibal lived. This side of the island was much prettier than mine, it had many beatiful trees, parrots and flowers. There I managed to catch a parrot, that I named Poll.
I learnd to make pots and my planting was growing, since I picked my rice and corn and re-panted them.
In a small time I teached Poll how to speak lots of words. I therefore decided to make myself a conoe. It took me 5 months to make it.It was big and pretty. But like a fool, I had never thought about how I would get it in to sea.I tried everything ,but I could not get the canoe into the water because it was too heavy.That it was foolish to begin a job without thinking about it properly.
I finished my fourth year on the island.Once again,I felt very thankful,I had all I needed:goats,turtles and now bread too.
In the next five years I lived the same way, and I made another canoe, this one was much smaller than the other.
After I finished working on my new canoe, I was pretty excited to make a voyage across the island. I took food,some rum and my gun.
On the other side there were some very strong turrents and my small canoe was pulled far out to sea. I started to get woried and think how good was my lonely island. After a while a wind started to blow and I maneged to get to the opposite side from my hut.Finally I arrived on the coast soo I thanked God. Exhausted, I slept.
I woke with a voice calling me and asking where I was.In the begining I got terrified, but then I saw Poll calling me.
Once, when I was walking on the beach I saw, something near the waves, I got closer and saw that it was a footprint. I got terrified thinking that I wasn't alone, and there were probably cannibal on the island, and I was on serious danger. I ran to my hut,and I stayed there for a week,and everytime I got out I was very scared.
After a while I realized that it could be my own footprint. I decided to take precautions, soo I built another wall around my hut.
Two years later, I was out of my hut and I saw a ship on the other island and when I went to the shore I saw something horrible: people's bones all over the place. The cannibal had been there and they ate those people.
Suddenly I was really angry with the cannibals. For a while I even considered going after cannibals and killing them. But then I realized that they didn't know that eating people was wrong.
Two years later I saw six canoes arriving near my side of the island and they took two prisoners.While they were eatinh one,the other ran away,but he was runing towards my part of the island.I realized that he could be my servant and I went there and helped him,by killimg the cannibals.So he became my slave and I became his master.
He learnd English very quickly and he became a great servant.Then I showed him my guns,but he got terrified.
I loved having a servant and I taught him Cristian religion.
One day Friday told me about some white men who had arrived in his land.He told me that he and his people had saved the men from drowning.
A long time after this, we were on top of the hill on the east side of the islnad when we saw the manland.Friday started to jump and dance.
After this I decided that we should go across to the mainland and ,togheter with the white men,try to get back to Europe.
I told Friday that we were going to make a new canoe,but he didn't like the idea,thinking that I was punising him.Later he calmed down and we started to make a canoe.
After one month we had finished the canoe , now we were going off the island.I had been on the island for twenty-seven years and Friday had been with me for three years.But the rainy season arrived and we not could escape from the island only in November or December.So now we just had to wait.
When the rains stopped, we could get out.Once,while we were getting ready for our voyage, agroup of cannibal arrived on the shore.We went to the shore and saw, that they eating prisioners.Me and Friday killed many cannibal and the ones who had survived run away.