You are latter-day RobinsonCrusoe. You are stranded on a desert island. It´s been ten days since you got shipwrecked and you start losing hope of being rescued. In order to keep track of time you decide to write a diary.Your diary will be in the format of a blog. In groups of 3 to 4 students. You have to write your impressions of your life on the island, making an account of your daily activities. For such, we will be visiting the school´s cyber room every now and then: once to start the blog (choosing a name, writing an introduction, presenting yourself, giving background information to the creation of the blog); a couple of times to add information to it, and one last time to read your mates´blogs and write comments on them. Pictures are highly welcome. Be creative. You can add ideas but cannot change the factual information in the story.

Turma 82 Grupo 2 C

Robinson Crusoe

I was born in the year 1632 in the city of York in England. I had two brothers. One became a soldier and was killed in a battle in France. I do not know what happened to my other brother. My father hoped I would become a merchant, but I wanted to go to sea. Although my mother and father did not want me to go, my desire was so strong that I ignored their wishes.

Now I’m stranded on an island by myself. I don’t know where I am. I’ve taken some things from the ship and I’ve built a shelter. As I’m not sure what I can find here, I’ve built a fence around my shelter. I’ve been ill and I thought I was going to die. That was when I started thinking about God. Since then I’ve been reading the Bible every day. I’ve also started to plan my time and pretty soon I’m going to explore the island…

So I built a house with the pieces of the boat. Here I got informations about the island and I improved my house.I decided to plant the rice and the corn that I had picked and saved but just before the rains.I very much to see the whole island.So towards the end of my second year there, I decided to go on from my bower to the seashore on the other side of the island.

After a few years I described that my island is between the Spanish and Brazil, where canibals lived.So I decided to make my self a canoe. I only thought of trying to escape from the island.First I cut down a large tree. I worked very hard on it,and when at last it was ready, I was pleased with it. It was a very good canoe.
After this, I tried to esape of the island but there were rocks, some very strong currents and the wind was blowing hard. So I didn't escape from the island.

  While I was walking  for the island I saw a footprint in the sand and I think that was a canibal's foot. After that I became very nervous, I didn't go out for a whole week. Two years after I had seen the footprint in the sand, I was out looking for the third enclosure when I saw a boat at sea, I was in a part of the island where I had never been before.When I came down to the shore, I saw the  pieces of dead bodies on the sand, and I knew that the are canibals in the island
   One night in May, I was in my hut when I suddenly heard the sound of a gun . The sound came from the sea. It was a ship calling for help.I got some dry wood and lit a big fire I wanted the people on the ship to know I was here. In the next day I could clearly see the wreck of a ship on the rocks. I felt terribly sad for the man on the ship and for myself too. The only chance that I had to escape has gone. One morning, I saw a five canoes on the shore on my side of the island. There were more then thirty cannibals. They had built a fire and they were dancing arround it.
   They got two slaves and arrested  them. They gonna kill them , I didn't want it so I pointed my gun and shooted one of the cannibals.Then, the prisoner thanked me and I took him to yhe cave in the woods where I gave him some water, bread and raisins.He quickly fell asleep.
    After he had slept for half an hour, he came out of the cave and made me lots of signs to show me how thankful he was, he put his head on the ground again and put my food on top of it. I call him friday because that was the day when I save his life.I taught him to call me "master".

   In the next day, Friday tried to eat the caniballs that I killed and I made signs to show him again that I'd kill him if he ate people.I saw that he understood me.I began to teach him many things ; most importantily, I taught him to speak to me. He learned very quickly.